Hundreds of local businesses register to work on TransGrid’s major transmission project EnergyConnect
SecureEnergy is pleased to announce that more than 820 individual businesses have registered to become prequalified to work on TransGrid’s EnergyConnect project, a critical electricity transmission infrastructure which will save ...
Early works start on TransGrid’s major transmission project EnergyConnect
SecureEnergy is proud to announce that the preliminary works are underway to build workers’ camps and numerous studies are being undertaken now to prepare for the start of construction on ...
Meet Lance Watts
EnergyConnect is one of Australia’s major infrastructure projects that boasts many skilled and dedicated people working behind the scenes on this innovative project. We want you to get to ...
SecureEnergy Business and Employment Forum
SecureEnergy in partnership with Transgrid would like to thank the many local and regional businesses and organisations that attended the SecureEnergy Business and Employment Forum at the Crown Hotel in ...
EnergyConnect will Provide Job and Business Opportunities for Western NSW region
Regional business owners and workers are encouraged to attend a forum in Wentworth, NSW next week to learn more about opportunities being created by Transgrid’s major transmission project EnergyConnect, ...
Webinars to Provide Information for Local Businesses Seeking to work on EnergyConnect
Transgrid and its construction partner SecureEnergy are collaborating with the NSW Government’s Business Connect and Industry Capability Network (ICN), NSW to offer a two-part free webinar series to help ...
SecureEnergy, Clough and Elecnor Joint Venture, Awarded Additional Scope for Transgrid’s EnergyConnect Project
SecureEnergy, a 50/50 integrated joint venture between Clough and Elecnor, is pleased to announce it has been awarded an additional scope of work for Transgrid’s EnergyConnect project, a contract of ...
EnergyConnect brings business and job opportunities to regional NSW
Early works activities such as surveying, undergrounding overhead lines and camp construction are being awarded to a range of local, state and interstate businesses offering opportunities for local trades as ...
Local Businesses Encouraged to Join Webinar Events for EnergyConnect Transmission Project
Businesses wanting to get involved in one of the state’s largest infrastructure projects, EnergyConnect, are being encouraged to attend live webinar events and register their interest to work on ...
SecureEnergy Safety Leadership Training
The SecureEnergy JV team recently came together for Safety Leadership Training. The training, which was run by a group of psychologists and organisational development professionals, focussed on the development of ...